Jalandhar, Punjab: Raksha Sharma, a student of computer engineering at the MCM Polytechnic College in Jalandhar, was found hanging from the ceiling fan in her hostel room on Tuesday morning. In that room was a suicide note. The 20-year-old blames two former students of the same college-both male- for harassing her and posting comments on Facebook that distressed her.
Based on the note, the police have arrested the two boys, who say they are not guilty.
Raksha was orphaned when her parents were killed in 1997 by militants in Jammu. A local orphanage affiliated to an NGO SOS Village has been looking after her over the years and was her guardian.
"I haven't spoken to her in three months, and she even considered me as her brother. I don't know how my name has come up in her note. I am ready for any investigation," says Luvpreet Singh, 21 years old, one of the accused.
The other boy admits that he posted comments but says she had responded online to his remarks, and did not seem agitated. "I feel bad she killed herself but I am not responsible," says Deepak Saini , 21 years old.
"We would speak to her very often and check about her studies, but she never mentioned this harassment to us. We are really shocked," says Prasanjeet Das, the Director of the SOS village Jammu.
The police say they found no computer in Raksha's room but will go through her Facebook account to verify the allegations in the suicide note.
Based on the note, the police have arrested the two boys, who say they are not guilty.
Raksha was orphaned when her parents were killed in 1997 by militants in Jammu. A local orphanage affiliated to an NGO SOS Village has been looking after her over the years and was her guardian.
"I haven't spoken to her in three months, and she even considered me as her brother. I don't know how my name has come up in her note. I am ready for any investigation," says Luvpreet Singh, 21 years old, one of the accused.
The other boy admits that he posted comments but says she had responded online to his remarks, and did not seem agitated. "I feel bad she killed herself but I am not responsible," says Deepak Saini , 21 years old.
"We would speak to her very often and check about her studies, but she never mentioned this harassment to us. We are really shocked," says Prasanjeet Das, the Director of the SOS village Jammu.
The police say they found no computer in Raksha's room but will go through her Facebook account to verify the allegations in the suicide note.