zone you create with a person. Different people, different definitions, but one love.
Love is the central theme of the world around us, especially our very own Bollywood, with love at first sight, heartbreak, lovers meeting at last and then living happily ever after as main themes.
Love is the staple of life, and as Einstein said, gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. Love is what drives all of us, love is what makes people do crazy things like Tom Cruise jumping on a chat show for Katie Holmes!
I remember, as a kid, every Sunday I used to run to get the newspaper to open it to the LoveIs comic strip which sweetly described the warm and fuzzy feeling of love. The strip was created by Kim Casali in the late 1960s and love remains the same- the beautiful feeling of heaven on earth!
So tell us what you think love is! And while you are at it, tweet that as well!