5 modifications to build a body that will pass even the toughest MOT
Dent-proof your body
Skincare doesn’t just help you look young. Take care of your body’s largest organ and it will take care of you. “Your skin plays a vital role as your body’s first line of defence against infection,” says Nisith Sheth, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic in London.
Extend your warranty Keep your bodywork clear of unwanted dinks by giving it the right fuel. The American Academy of Dermatology found that increasing your intake of vitamin C – think red peppers,
sweet potato, leafy greens – protects collagen and elastin, which keep your skin looking youthful. Then, when the mid-afternoon munchies arrive, have a couple of handfuls of Brazil nuts. They pack a skin-full of selenium, which reduces wrinkles and lowers your chance of skin cancer, according to a University of Queensland study. And Down Under they know about these things.Flick on 20-20 headlamps
Not just windows to your soul, but to a host of underlying health issues. “Regular eye tests can pick up on symptoms of everything from diabetes to Alzheimer’s,” says Iain Anderson of the Eyecare Trust.
Extend your warranty It’s all about releasing pressure in your eyes, which can damage your sight and cause glaucoma. First, loosen your tie. Research from the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary shows bloodflow restriction around your neck can damage your retina. Then focus on cardio. “Aerobic exercise increases oxygen supply to the optic nerve and lowers pressure,” says Anderson. Three 30-minute sessions a week will reduce pressure by 20%, makingthe benefits plain to see.
Silence the noise pollution
Drown out the decibels created by loud music and traffic and you’ll avoid noise induced hearing loss and enjoy aural pleasure for longer.
Extend your warranty To avoid life in mute, you can do more than splashing out on £200 noise-cancelling headphones. Trials at the University of Michigan found taking a cocktail of vitamins including A, C, E and magnesium (Wellman Fizz Multivitamins, £6.95) cuts hearing impairment by 80%. So take it before a gig. It protects sensitive hair cells inside your ear from noise damage. Also give those cells a chance to recuperate by only listening to one album at a time on your iPod. Research from Ghent University in Belgium found an hour’s listening followed by two-hour’s rest reduces noise damage, while a 16-hour rest is best after louder exposure such as a gig or a particularly nasty verbal from the boss.
Install steel impact bars
Looking after your skeleton gets you through more than the odd shin-to-shin tackle. Research from Tufts University found increasing your bone density helps to avoid diseases like osteoporosis.
Extend your warranty Playing five-a-side once a week has a greater effect on bone density than weight training. “High-impact, multi-directional activities result in greater gains in bone strength,” says Pam Hinton, professor of physiology at the University of Missouri. Martial arts or racquet sports will also work – and try to exercise outdoors. “You need vitamin D for your body to absorb calcium – the best source is sunlight,” says Sarah Leyland, senior nurse at the National Osteoporosis Society Sounds like a water-tight medical reason to get down the park…
Inflate the air bags
Bigger lungs will do more than just get you through five sets of tennis this summer. Cut your lung cancer risk by up to 50%, according to research in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Extend your warranty “Strengthening the muscles around your rib cage and diaphragm helps to ventilate the lungs,” says respiratory consultant Dr John Harvey. Chest flys do the trick but to really pump the lungs, try yoga… with kettlebells. Researchers at Khon Kaen University found three 20-minute yoga sessions a week increase your chest-wall expansion. And introducing cannonballs to yoga moves – try a side plank holding a kettlebell straight up – only serves to magnify the benefits.