Today — do not be angry. I recently came across five principles for living well. They are:
Today — do not worry.
Today — be kind to yourself and others.
Today — be honest to yourself and others.
Today — work diligently.– Usui Sensei, 1865-1926
On the whole, these principles would make you a better person. But they're a bit intangible, and adapting them into your life rightaway could be overwhelming. What I like about them is the focus on today — just today.
There are so many things we can do just today that can inspire some amazing life changes. Changes that will not only make you a better person, but can enrich your life, save you money, help others and the environment, and instigate a true sense of happiness.
Here are 25 practical ways to apply the above principles and be a better person — today.
- Say thanks — and mean it.
- Smile at a stranger.
- Learn to lean into vulnerability and express your true self.
- Perform one senseless act of kindness per day.
- Take a sabbatical and learn something new about yourself in the process.
- Do something you've never done before.
- Set goals wisely — and reward yourself for making progress.
- Start a conversation with a random stranger (in line at the grocery store for example).
- Create a vision board to visualize — and achieve — the life of your dreams.
- Help somebody.
- Reflect on the amazing moments in your life, and figure out how to replicate them.
- Be 100% honest for an entire day.
- Be generous — but not to your own detriment.
- Express disagreement towards injustice.
- Learn something new. For example, learn how to change your life and design the lifestyle you want.
- Interact with nature. Go for a walk using all your senses, start a garden, or just admire a beautiful sunset.
- Have fun with a brainstorm session of 100 ways to change your life in 20 minutes.
- Cook a meal for somebody.
- Save money. (Here are 37 ways start saving today).
- Try letting somebody in line in front of you or driving consciously and kindly, and see if it actually makes you late. (You might surprise yourself).
- Give your kids a leg up in life and make finance a family affair.
- Learn about a worthwhile cause, and get involved.
- Choose three ways to be nicer to the environment and implement them. (For example, reduce your standby power consumption, make your office green, start a coffee cup revolution, or conserve water).
- Create your own definition of financial freedom, and inject a dose of passion into your budget.
- Regain your youth, and play with some children.
This is just a start. How can you become a better person today?